Kommigraphics always works
closely with you at every step of a
well structured procedure of brand
design, so that your views are.

I am a National Theater Professor (COSATyC), Playwright (EMAD), and Magister in Visual Arts Curatorship (UNTREF), thesis focusing on research on participatory, processual, activist, and territorial projects in Argentina since 2000.

I have worked in the fields of Performing Arts and Contemporary Art as a performer, creator, writer, curator, and teacher since 2000 in Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Denmark, Bulgaria, and the United Kingdom.

I have written and directed more than fifteen plays for the theater, showcasing them in events such as the Bienal de Arte Joven de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Festival de Rafaela, Festival Nosotras Movemos el Mundo, and FIBA, among others. As a playwright, I specialize in crafting performance texts within collective work processes and with specific communities.

I am part of different collectives and activist groups such as Efímero, MARTE, Baró-Cutró, JAB and Colectivo Cielo Abierto.  With “Colectivo” Utópico, we have been exhibited our work at FIAC in Salvador de Bahia, Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires, LIFT in London, Festival de la Cité in Laussane, FAR° in Nyon, among others.

As a curator and manager, I have initiated independent projects such as El Porvenir, a festival of directors under 30 that fosters an intergenerational network without institutional curatorship, and Club Cultural Matienzo, one of the iconic venues of independent culture in the City of Buenos Aires. Additionally, I co established LODO, a platform for research and exchange of contemporary living arts.

Since 2020, I have been coordinating an Art Clinic, and since 2022, I have been teaching in the Diploma of Art and Territory at CUSAM, Universidad de San Martín, within the prison.

My research revolves around collective work processes and participatory practices in interaction with art in specific contexts.

Nació y vive en Buenos Aires. 
Es Profesora Nacional de Teatro (COSATyC); Dramaturga (EMAD) y está escribiendo su tesis de Maestría en Curaduría de Artes Visuales (UNTREF). Trabaja en el campo de las Artes Escénicas y el Arte Contemporáneo como performer, creadora, escritora, directora, curadora, gestora y docente desde el año 2000 en Latinoamérica y Europa.
Forma parte de diferentes colectivos y grupos activistas como “Colectivo” Utópico, Efímero, MARTE, Baró-Cutró, JAB y Colectivo Cielo Abierto. Como curadora y gestora, crea y desarrolla proyectos independientes como Festival El Porvenir, Club Cultural Matienzo y LODO.
Su investigación gira en torno a procesos de trabajo colectivo y prácticas participativas en interacción con el arte en contextos específicos.